Golf Cart Battery Update – Spring 2021

People riding in a golf cart
Order golf cart batteries early this year!

Golf Cart Batteries are in Short Supply this Spring – Order Early!

Golf cart batteries are in short supply this spring. Order early. It may take us 4 weeks or more to fulfill your orders. Please call or email us, as we will certainly do our best to find and deliver cart batteries to you.

If Trojan or US Battery batteries are in stock in the regional distributor, we can deliver them within a week. However, we expect our distributor to have many of the most common batteries back-ordered through the spring. So order early.

Crown batteries have a lead time of at least 4 weeks.

12V Golf Cart Battery Pricing

Crown batteries are a good choice for seasonal customers looking for a good value.

ManufacturerVoltsBCIModel20 Hr AH RatingPrice
Trojan12 VGC12T1275150 AH$258.71
US Battery12 VGC12CR-150155 AH$244.56
Crown12 VGC12CR-GC150150 AH$185.00
PGH Batteries 12V golf cart battery pricing

8V Golf Cart Battery Pricing

ManufacturerVoltsBCIModel20 Hr AH RatingPrice
Trojan8 VGC8T1875150 AH$183.25
US Battery8 VGC8US8VGCXC2170 AH$164.49
US Battery8VGC8US8VGCEXC2155 AH$151.04
Crown8 VGC8CR-150150 AH$125.00
PGH Batteries 8V golf cart battery pricing

6V Golf Cart Battery Pricing

ManufacturerVoltsBCIModel20 Hr AH RatingPrice
Trojan6 VGC8T105225 AH$161.80
US Battery6 VGC2US2200232 AH$154.94
US Battery6VGC2US1800205 AH$133.96
Crown6 VGC2CR-220220 AH$125.00
Crown6VGC2CR-205205 H$112.00
PGH Batteries 6V golf cart battery pricing

Why do Golf Cart Batteries Has Different Voltages and Amp Hour (AH) Ratings?

Golf cart are are generally 36V or 48V batteries. To get to these voltages, golf cart manufacturer’s design their carts to hold a specific number of 6V, 8V, or 12V batteries. You need to confirm the voltage of the batteries that you have, and replace them with the same.

Amp Hours (AH) are the capacity rating of the battery. Like the gas tank, except for electricity. The higher AH ratings in the tables are what golf courses or commercial customers typically buy. The lower AH rating is what campground users and home users usually buy.

Will More Expensive Batteries Last Longer?

The typical life of a golf cart battery is perhaps 5 years, and range from 3 to 7 years. To get the value out of the battery, users need not “abuse” them. Abuse means things like:

  • Leaving batteries discharged for months on end
  • Not checking and replenishing water levels regularly
  • Allowing the batteries to freeze in winter
  • Not torquing connection nuts properly, so over time connections loosen and studs melt

Given golf cart batteries are out of sight, they often go out-of-mind over the years. For commercial customers with maintenance teams, buy batteries and expect the full life. Consumers are often better off buying cost effective batteries since they may not make to typical end-of-life anyways.


What are the right batteries for you? Check HERE for our recommendations.

Wondering how our prices have changed since last year? Check HERE for last year’s pricing.

PGH Batteries
[email protected]

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